Final Project Proposal


Storytelling → Narcolepsy → Personal but interactive and abstract narrative→ the inherent ableism that comes with having a weird chronic illness that most people don’t seem to think has side effects → Causing a feeling in the people that interact with it that is multifaceted but based off of my experiences with narcolepsy (no text, no explanation of how it works or what is happening as it degrades over time, no context outside of a title for what is it’s an experience OF for me as a creator) (as in the piece does not only apply to narcolepsy but for me that is what it is about. What the viewer understands of it can change)

Experimentation → How can breaking it make something interesting? How can I make breaks that interact with the audience in a way that is just as frustrating as narcolepsy makes life sometimes → Experimentation can be where the aesthetics come in (color palette and what objects look like, etc)


Maybe sound? → Warping of the space around the interacter (cutting in and out as the touch aspect degrades, muffling, etc), sound of the room itself (although probably recorded and the same for everyone) rather than like music or taking the interacter to a different space than the one they entered in.

Overtime loss of ability to interact with the piece similar to how a sleep attack works (have a limited time before passing out)

Touch → How to cause that delay type of feel.

Frustration from an overtime lack of the program not doing what you want until it ends.

  • Touch delays
  • No reactions to touch
  • Object moves to a different place than where the interactor intended or thought it would go.


I want to have a general concept but not one that is so concrete that I don’t experiment with it and see what looks interesting visually. Interaction pieces are concrete, what that interaction is is not.


Ipad in a specific seat that may or may not be surrounded by some form of stereo to make a space → Maybe similar to how video works get put up in the link as of late ( three walls, a chair, the t.v and headphones)

Could do this in: The link, architecture gallery, maybe bens place with the big screen mirroring what a touch device is doing for outside viewers?

Is there a way to do this in the normal classroom?


People who haven’t had to deal with these types of issues, gallery, strangers, general wanderers, etc

I tried to get timeout (its a whole story -_-) and the mysterious eyes to work for days but sadly they are still not working and for the moment I have to admit defeat so, here is the link to my project 1:

Code (draw is below custom functions as a test to see if it would make timeout work because that is what the video had and nothing else was working):


I have to say Im not very surprised by this review. I have played “Heavy Rain” and it seems the years in between the two games hasn’t really helped the writer and game developers understand that putting everything in quick time events might not be the best idea for robust and complex storytelling. I’m interested to see how a very “programmed” or robotic feeling game with influence our interaction with the more “human” aspect of the story.