I tried to get timeout (its a whole story -_-) and the mysterious eyes to work for days but sadly they are still not working and for the moment I have to admit defeat so, here is the link to my project 1: https://editor.p5js.org/avalon.ruby@gmail.com/full/wXfK438nH

Code (draw is below custom functions as a test to see if it would make timeout work because that is what the video had and nothing else was working): https://editor.p5js.org/avalon.ruby@gmail.com/sketches/wXfK438nH


I started with a search for “detroit become human branching structure” and picked a random website review here, then ended up reading about the 2000-page script here.

I wasn’t exactly satisfied by their little blog posts, so I searched for “overview of the detroit become human script”, looked at the images first, and ended up here because of the picture below:

Link: https://www.polygon.com/2018/5/25/17391878/detroit-become-human-review-ps4

I have to say Im not very surprised by this review. I have played “Heavy Rain” and it seems the years in between the two games hasn’t really helped the writer and game developers understand that putting everything in quick time events might not be the best idea for robust and complex storytelling. I’m interested to see how a very “programmed” or robotic feeling game with influence our interaction with the more “human” aspect of the story.

Detroit: Become Human

The reviews look pretty mixed. This game has been described as a mash up of other movies/games that have come before (Westworld, Blade Runner, Heavy Rain, LA Noir) which I can definitely see. I do think it’s a shame that the history of the city of Detroit is never really brought up in the game. Makes me feel like the setting could have been any city (or even Silicon Valley) and it wouldn’t have had much effect on the story. Also, I did think the message(s) felt hamfisted. It’s clear everybody likes Conner’s story arch the most.

