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Would anyone know what type of if/then statement to write to make this “sun” also set? Heres the code
funkyShape() code
Homework for 2/4 (sent via email)
I want you to use the techniques, keywords, and functions we’ve learned so far to make a new interactive drawing app. However, a bit differently than our exercises up to this point, I want your program to have *at least two* objects that will be present on the screen at the same time! For example, you could have two (or more) ellipses bouncing around the screen, or, 20 lines all dancing around, etc.
Whatever you make, find a way to use all of the following:
– conditional statements (if/else)
– at least one for() loop
– mouseX/mouseY for interaction
– colorMode(HSB)
You may also consider using the keyboard (look it up on the reference) as an additional input method.
And if you want a stretch challenge, I’d like you to think about and implement a way for your program to change over time. For example, if you recall our last bouncing rect program from Monday, in the end we had two variables (xJump and yJump) which we could tweak to change things pretty dramatically. What if you automated those variables changing the longer your program runs? Or used if() and random() to make them change, say, 10% of the time? In other words, try to implement a way for your program to be less predictable in its output than what we’ve made so far.
Finally, please start a new sketch from scratch. You may look all you want at our previous examples from class, but challenge yourself to start from scratch. Doing so helps you 1) get practice with writing code, and 2) will save you headache down the road when the think you copied from isn’t quite the thing you need now. We will have plenty of opportunities down the road to adapt/tweak something already existing, but right now you can all benefit from iteration on these fundamentals.
Post a sketch to the blog by Monday’s class and we’ll look at a bunch of them together.
The mouseX will change the size of the shapes. The mouseY will change the color. If you click the mouse it will invert the colors. If you play around with it and draw circles in certain portions of the canvas you’ll get some cool interactive visuals.
Code for 2/4
This isn’t doing exactly what I want it to do yet, but, I’m ready to discuss it in class as well. Here’s the code
Bitter Cold Assignment
If you click, you can see the three main catalysts to this psychedelic color pattern. I wasn’t sure what to do and had to research some BS to plug and play this. Will fix eventually.
Coding Project/Snow Day
this is what I have so far
Wednesday assignment
I had some trouble making my if statement and loop fully visible, but they’re in the code here: