Final Project (In progress) – Eva, Stephanie, Sierra

This is how far we got in p5.js before the code got complicated and confusing…

Long-Distance Love: An Interplanetary Dating Game (background song 1 – cutesy)

Long-Distance Love: An Interplanetary Dating Game (background song 2 – chill)

Code 1

Code 2

This document shows a lot of our process work. Can this count for the ‘3 screenshots’ criteria part of the project? Pleeeeeaaaaase…. Thanks!

Stay tuned for Eva’s Twine skills!

Final Project Proposal – Eva, Stephanie, and Sierra

  • The concept/idea for your final project: what will it do? why would you do it?

Eva, Stephanie, and I are creating a dating simulation game where you play as Pluto looking for love with one of the planets of our solar system. It’s fun, has potential to educate, and Pluto needs some love!

  • Plans for implementation: what will this project require technically? how will you implement it?

A lot of nested if statements, text to convey the story, and some design choices. As of right now, it will be in a computer format (though it would be nice to later turn it into a phone app)

  • Thoughts about process: discuss how you expect your efforts will play out over the next few weeks.

It will be planned. We’re intending to divvy out the work by having one of us primarily in charge of code, another in charge of the story, and another in charge of design. Class time will be used to check-in with everyone/combine our efforts.

  • Considerations of audience: who would be interested in this work? who is it for?

Our audience includes those interested in bizarre dating sim games (we know they’re out there!)

Detroit: Become Human

The reviews look pretty mixed. This game has been described as a mash up of other movies/games that have come before (Westworld, Blade Runner, Heavy Rain, LA Noir) which I can definitely see. I do think it’s a shame that the history of the city of Detroit is never really brought up in the game. Makes me feel like the setting could have been any city (or even Silicon Valley) and it wouldn’t have had much effect on the story. Also, I did think the message(s) felt hamfisted. It’s clear everybody likes Conner’s story arch the most.