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Concept/Idea: A game or a simulator type program, where the user can move around a little jar to collect fireflies. I could have a counter in one of the corners that keeps track of how many fireflies are in the jar, or I could not have it and just have it as kind of a fun activity that the person could do.
Implementation: I would want to implement functions that can cause drawn objects to be attracted to the mouse, in the case of the fireflies. I want to use the mouseClicked function to do something like close the jar, or release the fireflies. I’d also try and use a function that will have the jar replace the mouse cursor. Finally, I want to write a function that will have a set number of fireflies float around the screen, and if I could make them glow somehow with colors that would be ideal.
Process: I want to start small and build up to be more complicated over time. I would probably start by creating the scene, and adding in the floating fireflies. Then, I would add in the jar cursor. After that I would work on getting the fireflies to be attracted to the jar, and also having a button that would release them from this hold somehow. In conjunction with that I want to make it so that one mouse click will close the jar, and another will open in and release the fireflies from the attraction. After that, I might add in some extras to liven up the scene, maybe the sound of crickets or a shooting star in the background. Maybe some of these elements could be interactive as well, clicking on them might yield some result.
Audience: While this project is going to be presented in class, I want it to be meant for small children to use, like a fun flash game. I want them to have fun catching the fireflies, and maybe finding the secrets that are also interactive in the scene. It could also become educational, if I added in a counter of how many fireflies are in the jar; that could help little kids learn numbers.
I have my project in a few different pieces that I’m working to put together
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